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666 Days in HELL

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4915 views / 14 in the last 7 days

4 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game simulation shooter demo zombie fight survival combat

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@tria95 @dbz3396 @AIMrOrange I wasn't here for a religious discussion, neither to say that the title should be changed or anything, but simply to warn you. But ok, end discussion. --------------------


@Spower Thank you for the warning, ill be sure to think of you and how i could've been saved when the rapture comes.


@Spower Does the game's name really matter? It seems the only reason you brought it up was to start a debate over religion and as such I completely agree with AlMrOrange.


What does the fountain do? When I go to it it's just a giant fountain and nothing to do there. When I go back it resets everything except my score and I used to escape the boss a few times (which I think is impossible to beat). Also I sometimes warped through the barrels and the got stuck in the bottom right barrels more than once. Just telling you about the bugs I seen. Btw I liked the game. Kinda reminds me of the zombie game Dead Ops Arcade on Black Ops and the name was part of the reason I played your game although I thought it would be more like Dante's Inferno because of the name.


The fountain room is not finished not at all. tbh man. Ive really lost steam on this project :/ dont have the motivation to finish it :/
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon May 05 20:32:40 UTC 2014 CHANGELOG [version 1.0 - FINAL] -Removed the fountain world -Removed the tank between level 1 and 2 -Modified the background to reflect the lack of a fountain world -Fixed a bug with the boss's hitbox -Removed grenades -Hello there fellow greenfoot users. If you played this game when it was first being created i would like to say thank you and i hope you enjoyed playing it. I do however have some news that this will be the final version of this game. I have taken some time this evening to remove tha half finished elements and smoothen out the last few elements that need to be changed in order to make this a final release. As the sole developer of this game i just apear to have lost steam and motivation to push through and make the game what i first imagined it would be. I hope you enjoy playing this little game as i very much enjoyed making it. Thank you and take care - Trias95
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon May 05 20:42:35 UTC 2014 CHANGELOG [version 1.1 - FINAL] -Fixed a paint order bug -Fixed a Healthpack hitbox bug -Fixed a bleeding out graphic bug


My score :76625 :D Man i miss working on this game, it was a lot of fun!


You could continue working on it ;)


I'm working on a 3D version in the Unreal Engine 4 at the minute lol :P perhaps there is a way i can incorporate this as a minigame within the main game :3

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AlexFeetham dbz3396 elias.groll AIMrOrange