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how to stop music after changing a few times of world ?
By rojina, with 2 replies.
Last reply by danpost, about 16 hours ago:
You could go as far as putting the following the the
class: <Code Omitted> In the constructor, you could then just have: <Code Omitted> Then, to change it from anywhere: <Code Omitted> You can also stop and discard the background sound altogether with:
error while after uploaded
By DIWAHAR, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, 3 days ago:
DIWAHAR wrote...
class: java.lang.Runtime exception - error occurs while export my game
You are referencing files in a manner that does not conform to the javascript translation. You are using file directory names, "sounds" and "images", followed by double back slashes, In Asteroid and Laser classes. Remove the directory names (and slashes) and just use the filename itself.
I want to add a white box with fixed width and height
By Coolboys, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, 9 days ago:
Coolboys wrote...
I want to add a white box with fixed width and height << Code Omitted >>
At line 20, create the box and fill it with white. Then, after creating the text image, draw it into the box: <Code Omitted>
Idea for Project
By Mrfl1mflam, with 2 replies.
Last reply by PhilipsManor, 12 days ago:
I suppose I have a magnificent idea, young lad! You should use English, British (The most superior language :D ), Australian, Japanese, and Mandarin for thou project. If you don't want to be instructed by thou sweet mother to eat porridge colder than dear Goldilocks ever did, you shall follow my guidance. I have bestowed upon thee the most finest and most noble tongues to ever grace the realm of speech.
Roboterworld does not work.
By Kudo1507, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Kudo1507, 12 days ago:
Hey, my idea for my roboter is that he loses energy if she moves but for some reason she says that she does not have any energy left after just one move but she keeps moving and the "Laderoboter" does not help her. He is supposed to go up to her and charge her but he does not do anything unless Robita is on his field. Here is her coding thing: public class Robita extends Roboter { /** * Globale Variablen (= Attribute) */ int energie; int maxEnergie ; //Start mit vollem Akku int batteryLevel = 10000; long geburtsZeitpunkt; char geschlecht;
By InaKurateGames, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, 14 days ago:
InaKurateGames wrote...
My game isn't translating to HTML 5. How do I do that? (I'm using Java if that even matters)
Here are some restrictions you may not be aware of: * don't use "java.awt" of any kind * don't use "javax.swing" of any kind * reference all sound and image files in the "sounds" and "images" folders of your scenario folder without pathnames (just the file name)
Why is my game not translating to HTML 5
By Ohyeahhbh, with 3 replies.
Last reply by InaKurateGames, 14 days ago:
I also have the same issue, but where is the StartButton class? Im using Java if that matters
How do i show the actors
By Mahdir2111, with 3 replies.
Last reply by danpost, 30 days ago:
Mahdir2111 wrote...
I mean to show the actors on the world
Use the
instance method called
: <Code Omitted>To understand better, its documentation is
How do i export my scenario as a jar file
By Mahdir2111, with 10 replies.
Last reply by Mahdir2111, 30 days ago:
Is there a way to do it manually
Creating documentation
By iordanissavgm, with 6 replies.
Last reply by iordanissavgm, about 1 month ago:
I use the greek locale on my pc, if that matters. But even if i added a dot in the GifImage english code comments, the issue remains. Maybe a bug fix should be on its way.
GreenfootSound not acknowledging getVolume/setVolume?
By Bennylit, with 2 replies.
Last reply by danpost, about 1 month ago:
Bennylit wrote...
I have a music track I want to fade out, and I thought I could accomplish this by using this code: << Code Omitted >> As you can see, it should slowly decrease the volume in intervals of 10. ... When I check the volume before and after it runs this code, it's the same.
There is a coding issue here. You programmed the "fade" in a single
loop without any time constraints. In other words, the loop will complete its task in a single act step. Regardless of what it actually does, it will not take any time in doing it. You need an
statement where t
how do I program bubbles shooting
By yumyumlover69, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, about 1 month ago:
yumyumlover69 wrote...
I want to shoot bubbles out of my Bubblegun, but i don't know how I need to program that
I would start with this:
how do I make score show up on the game?
By radu_edi, with 10 replies.
Last reply by radu_edi, about 1 month ago:
Thank you for the help, it worked! I multiplied the score with getIntersectingObjects(Class).size() like this: <Code Omitted>
Access to variables of other classes
By Jder2te, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, about 2 months ago:
Jder2te wrote...
I need to access a variable from another class. this works for one of them, but for some reason the second variable is not changing. << Code Omitted >> That is the second variable with does not work, << Code Omitted >> in this example the method does work. did I make a syntax mistake or something ?
Very confusing as far as which one worked and which one didn't. I hope you are not expecting the collision variable to update when all you did was move this actor. You performed no collision checking between the setting of the actors location and the testing of the co
VERY COMPLICATED - Loading Zones somehow losing references to final variables?!
By Bennylit, with 16 replies.
Last reply by Bennylit, about 2 months ago:
I have found the problem, and for documentation purposes, I will share what I did to fix it. The problem was that when creating the rooms, even though they were final, some rooms were created before others. For example, this was the code for creating the final static rooms: <Code Omitted>You might notic