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Mrfl1mflam wrote ...


Idea for Project

Mrfl1mflam Mrfl1mflam


Can someone please give me an idea for my final project? I need to make a new scenario, use 5 languages we haven't discussed in class, and have 2 different worlds W some actors. I need a user interface as it's supposed to be a game. Please give me an idea, I'm stuck.
danpost danpost


Mrfl1mflam wrote...
Can someone please give me an idea for my final project? I need to make a new scenario, use 5 languages we haven't discussed in class, and have 2 different worlds W some actors. I need a user interface as it's supposed to be a game. Please give me an idea, I'm stuck.
If you were more clear as to what is needed, maybe someone might be able to help. As is, "5 languages we haven't discussed in class" is not only vague (not giving what languages you have discussed) but also ambiguous as to the type of language being referred to (spoken or programming). Of course, one could assume one or the other, but nether case really makes sense at all (why 5 languages, either way -- especially, for one single scenario).
PhilipsManor PhilipsManor


I suppose I have a magnificent idea, young lad! You should use English, British (The most superior language :D ), Australian, Japanese, and Mandarin for thou project. If you don't want to be instructed by thou sweet mother to eat porridge colder than dear Goldilocks ever did, you shall follow my guidance. I have bestowed upon thee the most finest and most noble tongues to ever grace the realm of speech.
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