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Ohyeahhbh wrote ...


Why is my game not translating to HTML 5

Ohyeahhbh Ohyeahhbh


I published a game called Extreme Sledding to the Greenfoot website but it didn't work. It said "The attempted translation produced the following diagnostic messages: INFO: Running TeaVM." I checked the code in my game and everything looks fine. Can somebody please help me?
danpost danpost


Ohyeahhbh wrote...
I published a game called Extreme Sledding to the Greenfoot website but it didn't work ... I checked the code in my game and everything looks fine. Can somebody please help me?
In your StartButton class, you give a literal String reference to a file on your device. Since that file is not within the folder of the scenario, it will not be uploaded with the scenario. Copy the file into the "images" folder within the scenario folder and just reference the name of the file (with extension) without the path. Greenfoot always looks for them there. You have similar references in other classes for sounds as well as images with this issue (sounds go in the "sounds" folder within the scenario folder).
Ohyeahhbh Ohyeahhbh


InaKurateGames InaKurateGames


I also have the same issue, but where is the StartButton class? Im using Java if that matters
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