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Sorry about the graininess of the video: I scaled down the images to 300 by 200 for storage and then increased them to 600 by 400 for the animation.
Blender is amazing!
The keyboard and mouse control is good. I created some controls for my other 3d scenarios, but haven't implemented them yet.
That's what I was talking about. "Concave" objects (where two sides bend inward) are bug-prone with 3-D programming.
Is this using the mtl files, or are you just choosing the colors in the code?
Basically, the problem is with your sorting method. Sorting stuff like this is hard :(
In your sorting method, when the edges get to the side, the top roof seems to be closer, which means its color is drawn over the edge color, causing the problem.
@Duta, is it alright I used two lines of your code for my filereader? Mine did not let me play the scenario on the site, but the FileStream seems to work fine.
Oops, that line is actually in readStuff(). Anyway, just put the file in the project file (the one that contains all the classes and their code). Thanks Duta, for pointing out the bug. I will try to fix that.