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The ability to zoom in and out and to slide from side to side would be cool.
I am pretty sure you can't use gif imges in Greenfoot.
Haha! That is awesome Duta. Yes, I know about the edge of the world bug. I never removed it because it was a simple way to know you are out of bounds.
You have "if(Greenfoot.getRandomNumber(1)==0)" which will always return true. I don't know if this is on purpose or not.
Pretty cool!! I wonder if we could get some other neat particle scenarios on the site! That would make for a neat challenge (i.e. particle oriented games).
Sorry, if that was incoherent: I just woke up. The short answer is that you cannot download this game anywhere.
You can't download a game unless the user allows it: there will be an "Open in Greenfot" button above the scenario. Herman doesn't put up the source for this game, so you can't download it.
Fixed the backspace bug: the speed calculation is not made until the end. While you are typing, it only shows you the time.
Oops, sorry I did not see this earlier. Thanks for the suggestions! I was bored one day and couldn't think of anything else. I Forgot about it afterwords. Anyway, I will try to fix it soon.