This one has a different name (Scrolling instead of Scolling). So, the "update" was not an update. You can edit the scenario to correct the spelling of the other after deleting this one and then update it with that proper name.
@Laurence, if the actor points in the direction of the cursor, then the beam will also. The beam will always follow the "source" actor and point in the same direction that actor faces.
You cannot download this scenario as the source was not published. However, you can view the code used in the two main classes by clicking one of the buttons near the bottom of the scenario window while it is running.
@Sepho, you cannot download any scenario that the one who uploads it does not allow for it. When uploading a scenario, a checkbox in the sharing dialog box determines whether the source is made available or not.
@GameCounts, you cannot download any scenario where the user does not upload the source. You could ask that freddy_siagian upload the scenario again, this time including the source; but, doing so is entirely up to that user.
@ReggaeCheeseMan, it does not work on the site because the scenario tries to write to a file which an applet is not allowed to do for security reasons. You need to download it and open it up in greenfoot to check it out.
Infinite Scrolling World
Infinite Scrolling World
Light Beam Class Demo
Light Beam Class Demo
Orbital Effects
Final Stand
alien Crazy
Angular to Linear motion demo
Galaxian Knight