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danpost's Comments

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@tkiesel, the multiplication by 100 was to reduce the number of possible loops (probably to only one, anyway). The addition of this value is necessary before the mod when the imageX or imageY value is negative. Mod is not uniform going from a negative value to a positive one; so the value must be made positive before the mod.
As far as the number of fonts showing up -- you probably have the terminal set to limited output. On the terminal frame menubar, go to 'options>Unlimited buffering'.
@Kokoro, I do not do IPs. Please start a new discussion thread and I will try to answer what questions you may have.
@max_thure, please start a discussion thread on this. Include what code you have for your world and point out which part refers to the object you are adding and having the problem with. The moving or not moving of the 'mainActor' should not have any bearing on how other objects are added into the world.
@BaconGlazer, add actors into world; then, save the world before updating (uploading again) this scenario.
@Nosson1459, try the '0' (zero) key.
My guess, now, is that it is a problem with the version of greenfoot you are using. You may want to shoot an email to
Try updating it again -- this time lock the scenario (check the 'Lock scenario' checkbox). Maybe that will fix the size of the world (possibly a bug when scenario is not locked).
The size of the world window is determined by the 'super' call in your world constructor. This one should be something like this: super(120, 400, 1);