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Orbital Effects

Shift mouse positions and move mouse around to create interesting effects.
Changing the values of the bars changes the effect accordingly.
Bars on left are for settings used during Orbiter object creation:
* how long the orbiter will 'live'; and
* how far from Centre object (which follows the mouse) it is to be spawned;
The bar in the middle determines how often (the percent chance per act) a new orbiter is added to the world.
Bars on right are for settings used by orbiters while in the world:
* the 'tightness' of the orbits of the orbiters (amount of turn per act -- as pull of gravity toward Centre object)); and
* the rate of speed of the orbiters (as force of momentum)

5306 views / 29 in the last 7 days

7 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse simulation demo orbit effect danpost mouse-follow

This scenario is a member of: Demos by danpost

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jun 30 16:00:57 UTC 2014


Added controls to change some running states (orbiter spawn rate, orbiter spawn distance from Centre object, lifespan of new orbiters, orbiter turn rate and orbiter speed). Also, code viewing was implemented.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 01 04:05:25 UTC 2014


Putting the turn rate and speed to max kind of makes it look like a black hole. Neat!


how to download this ?


You cannot download this scenario as the source was not published. However, you can view the code used in the two main classes by clicking one of the buttons near the bottom of the scenario window while it is running.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2020-10-28 12:16:05 UTC

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