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Helicopter High-Scores

Use the left/right arrow keys to move the helicopter, and use space to drop bombs. Destroy the red vehicles quickly and with few wasted shots to earn a high score.

This scenario is testing an upcoming feature in Greenfoot 2.2.0: the ability to record persistent high-scores in scenarios on the Greenfoot website. You'll need to log-in to be able to record a high score! Please let me know on if you spot anything wrong, we're testing this ahead of the software release to see if there's any bugs.

10788 views / 32 in the last 7 days

16 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: with-source

This scenario is a member of: High Scores

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when is it out


hey nccb could i ask how you manage the rough terrain moving object like your red car do?
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Mar 27 09:54:38 UTC 2012 Published source code


Zhirayuki: Sorry, I didn't spot your comment before. I've now uploaded the source so you can see for yourself, but essentially it works as follows. The vehicles are a fixed X width, so I always know the X coordinate of each wheel. I find the terrain height underneath each wheel and draw the two wheels. Then I connect the two wheels with a rectangle that is angled accordingly. It works quite well, although the vehicles "stretch" a little bit as they go up or down steep hills.


wow thanks... it's great


i I download your game I canĀ“t compile it what is the problem


Have you downloaded Greenfoot 2.2 ?


Were can you download 2.2 (for USB)


Till now, there is just the beta version published... I don't think, that it's available for USB, now...
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Apr 27 13:52:16 UTC 2012 Updated to use the final API for Greenfoot 2.2.0.

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