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Comments for Nightmare: Emergence

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when is the new update, i love this game
Updates to this game unfortunately come slowly, but be sure that updates are continuously being worked on :) There will most likely be an update after the newest Greenfoot version is released.


Man this hospital has way better service than mine.


very ahlflife i like it :{)


i mean halflife


Do you make it with Greenfoot? I think that would be very difficult =)) - good job =)


This game is absolutely amazing. And quite frightening!


This is great!! But you know the source code doesn't work right? (doesn't for me)


How do you beat Chapter 4: Maintenance? I'm kinda stuck on that one...
Denzien, what goes wrong for you? What version of Greenfoot are you running? And theDoctor, what part specifically are you stuck on? I know that the maintenance section is a bit hard to beat right now, that will definitely be worked on in the next update.


I've got to the part where my flashlight doesn't work, and I have to use the flares to see. I found a power chord that I assume I have to plug it into the generators behind the big machine has two blinking red lights and emits small rectangles of light. Although there are four generators, and one power chord connects two of them, so there must be another out there somewhere. My flares are burning out too fast for me to find it though!
When you get to the room with the 4 generators and the beams of light, there are two paths you can take, and each path yields a single cable. The path to the left requires no flares, but the path to the right does. Which path have you not been able to complete? I'm guessing the right one, and since you are having trouble, and since that section is going to be worked on some more, for now I will let you know that if you press space, you kinda sprint at unreasonable speeds :P It's a little code I put it for testing that you can still use to maybe help get through faster so your torches don't burn out too quickly


It MAY be because I'm using an older Greenfoot, the Greenfoot I'm using when trying to open it is on my school network, and programs never get updated on it.... So yeah, it's probably that... I was trying to see how you did the scrolling, I can't do it myself >:(, oh well....


I like those dialogs you did! I'm going to try to do it myself!


This is absolutely incredible, and only can dream about being this good one day.


I am scared... Yet I am curious to play on as it is just awesomely well made


This is THE most fabulous game!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 12 07:41:05 UTC 2012 Updated the physics engine and added new area. Expect more updates soon!


Hmm, the menu at the beginning seems broken now. "Load" does nothing, and "Credits" asks for a level code...
Oh noes! I forgot that I was in the process of updating the menu as well >.< I'll work on getting that updated


how did you make the camera follow the man in the game? i cant seem to get it to work.
There are several elements that go together to make the scrolling work properly. The first is the scrolling background. I have two variables tilex and tiley. These represent the camera location in a way. When tilex and tiley are both zero, the top left of the screen is the same as the top left of the world. When tilex increases, the camera moves to the right, and when tiley increases, the camera moves down. Every frame, I redraw the background using my tilemap data and the correct camera offset to give the correct illusion that the camera is moving. The second part is my new class called ActionActor. This contains many features which help out the game, but primarily it is a way to create the scrolling illusion. Each ActionActor has it's own myX and myY variables that represent the objects GLOBAL location. That is to say, even if the camera moves, myX and myY remain the same. Then at the end of each frame, every ActionActor transfers it's global location into a local location by subtracting tilex from its myX, and tiley from its myY. Since this is part of the ActionActor class, all objects that are a subclass automatically 'insert' themselves into the scrolling world. Now, with all this in place, we have two thing. We have a world camera that can move around and look at the world. And we have objects that will move accordingly when the camera is also moved. Making the camera is easy at this point. Since tilex/tiley represents the camera location, we just need to set tilex/tiley to the location of our character. It's a bit complicated, but you can always check out the source code if you want!


thanks, i appreciate it also, when you have time, think about coming and checking out my recently posted scenario, i need some advice on how to make it better, other than scrolling, and collecting coins :P
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon May 14 02:52:43 UTC 2012 Testing a new save-game system. May be buggy right now


Yes! A save game feature will be greatly appreciated :D! Good luck with getting it bug-free!
I haven't found any issues yet, so it should be totally fine to use! If you find any bugs be sure to let me know! And just so you know, the Load function has been changed, so check it out :)


Too slow for my taste. Add a sprinting button!
Haha you can press space, but don't tell anybody, it's a secret development key ;)
Also, it might be a performance issue rather than a walking speed issue, have you tried turning down the quality settings? You can find them by pressing esc and going to the options menu.


yayyyyyy u finally updated it ><!!


Nah, I just like faster paced games better is all.
Well then the space bar is the button for you lols XD


Yeah. Idk if I'm pushing it saying this, but do you have a Skype? I like to IM people who are good at coding, and can actually think, while I code myself.
I don't have Skype, but you can add me on Steam! My username is the same as on Greenfoot :)


Ah, I'll add you on mobile Steam. My PC is too slow for the Steam games :/
Sounds good!


I can't seem to find you. Just add me, it'll be easier. My Steam name is Messy
There are a fair bit of Messy's on Steam :P


FPS.class, lines 67-71 ;)
Haha that's leftover code from my 3D space shooter beta XD


nice game I love it


This is a really cool game, and i have a few questions on how you do stuff that apparently no one else can explain. How do you get the screen to scroll with your character while you move? and also how do you make it so that when you press w it makes your character move up or s down? If you could explain that it would really help the development of one of my own games. Thanks!
There are several elements that go together to make the scrolling work properly. The first is the scrolling background. I have two variables tilex and tiley. These represent the camera location in a way. When tilex and tiley are both zero, the top left of the screen is the same as the top left of the world. When tilex increases, the camera moves to the right, and when tiley increases, the camera moves down. Every frame, I redraw the background using my tilemap data and the correct camera offset to give the correct illusion that the camera is moving. The second part is my new class called ActionActor. This contains many features which help out the game, but primarily it is a way to create the scrolling illusion. Each ActionActor has it's own myX and myY variables that represent the objects GLOBAL location. That is to say, even if the camera moves, myX and myY remain the same. Then at the end of each frame, every ActionActor transfers it's global location into a local location by subtracting tilex from its myX, and tiley from its myY. Since this is part of the ActionActor class, all objects that are a subclass automatically 'insert' themselves into the scrolling world. Now, with all this in place, we have two thing. We have a world camera that can move around and look at the world. And we have objects that will move accordingly when the camera is also moved. Making the camera is easy at this point. Since tilex/tiley represents the camera location, we just need to set tilex/tiley to the location of our character. It's a bit complicated, but you can always check out the source code if you want!


@EpicAlbino to simplify what Builderboy just said, the idea goes like this: myX is where your actor is really "standing" tileX is where the "camera" is looking from so for the actor, you would just do something like "setLocation(myX + tileX, myY + tileY)"
That depends on how you are formatting your tileX/Y variables. That will only work if they are negative numbers, usually you are going to want to subtract them instead of adding them


Ah yes, that makes sense. Although, I've used the tile method before with both negative and positive tileX/Y values and it works out fine, just depends how you saved them.


And does one do this in your world class or your one of your actor class? also whats the best way to set up my variables?


I keep the myX/myY variables in the actor class, then keep the cameraX/cameraY variable in the world class. I just tell the actors to position themselves according to the getWorld().cameraX/Y.
Very nice game. But let me ask one question: How have you made it that there is no mouse when I move it over the screen??? This would be very nice to know for a game I am programming. (and probably also for most other games where you need a mous or cursor).


@Gevater Maybe this scenario helps you: