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tylers's Scenarios

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play castle defence 1
plays 7264 / votes 9

castle defence 1

by tylers, 2012/5/12

defend the castle with turrets.

play media player
plays 8580 / votes 10

media player

by tylers, 2012/5/29

works on greenfoot website

play the ten second click
plays 3696 / votes 1

the ten second click

by tylers, 2012/7/1

how many times can you press the button.

play password protect
plays 4647 / votes 4

password protect

by tylers, 2012/6/24

password protect your apps

play chain reaction
plays 5210 / votes 11

chain reaction

by tylers, 2012/5/27

blow'em up

play dialog demo
plays 9394 / votes 1

dialog demo

by tylers, 2012/4/11

dialog demo

play zombie attack 1 or 2 players
plays 6460 / votes 6

zombie attack 1 or 2 players

by tylers, 2012/2/25

defend your base for as long as possible - with high scores

play zombie attack with source
plays 3301 / votes 1

zombie attack with source

by tylers, 2012/5/8

zombie attack with source

play fish aquarium
plays 6150 / votes 5

fish aquarium

by tylers, 2012/4/18

own a fish aquarium

play walking men
plays 7434 / votes 3

walking men

by tylers, 2012/4/9

animated men