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It is :p You should finish your scenario, it'll be good :)
Nice work! I love fractals - I'd never thought about trying to put them into Greenfoot though! Good job


Lost my memory stick earlier which had this scenario's source code on. As such, this is the final version..


I realise that I don't like the movement... Also this was meant to be one comment, hit submit too early by accident


And as soon as I update the scenario
Ignore that comment, I decided that actually once I was used to it it wasn't too bad. I've updated the scenario and will see what people think
so I made this code (yInc and boost are double's, and initialized to 0) yInc += 0.3; //Gravity if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("space")) { yInc -= boost; boost *= 0.97; } else boost = 1.0; //Initial boost. setLocation(getX(), getY() + (int)Math.round(yInc)); Its playing a bit too sluggishly at the moment... I'll keep experimenting :P
Keep going with it! :) I'm sure you'll make a good - even better - job of it, than I did with my hastily shoved together scenario. As I've just finished a big batch of homework I have a few minutes so I'll start coding the new speed system now
I know about variable speed by the way :) I just hadn't decided whether I actually wanted it or not