@mtk: Yeah, they do, but in most of the scenarios here, I haven't seen one that uses hardware acceleration to it's full potential (maybe b/c a lot of us are still students learning java ?).
I thought 3D games are rendered in realtime (or in most cases, prerendered by double buffering).
I guess you're right lol. I still haven't learned enough about games to fully understand how they work. I just knwo that games use a method of double buffereing to prerender frames so the game won't lag.
Lilpowerdude: that glitch, is the glitch that happens when you get hurt by a monster, and it makes you pop up. While your person is being popped up, he seems to forget to check for whether there is ground above him.
Well, sorry I meant that java does use hardware acceleration (in a sense)., xD, but I don't think anyone here has been good enough to utilize the power of the graphic card to render their games. As far as I know, hardware acceleration in games (such as cs 1.6), is when the graphic card offloads the processing for the CPU. On the other hand, if the game is "software" processed, that means it's using only the CPU to process the graphics. This is what java does I think because we can see the CPU usage go to full when the scenario is doing too much. Now, if it really was using the graphic card to process, I would think that it would be much much faster, and cpu usage would be much lower. I think java does have hardware accerations, but I haven't seen anyone used it in the sense where they actually utilize the GPU's processing power.
xD That's just my thoughts though.
I'm surprised my game runs less laggy for you even though my game uses more "graphic intense" uh graphics? Lol. I try to get my game to be as efficient as possible.
I'm not sure how fps works exactly in greenfoot, because of the act slider. I think, in order to see what FPS really is, one would have to unlimit the act speed by setting the bar to max. The only problem with that is that this might make the game too fast... Actually, I have no idea lol. because fps in games such as half-life and stuff, it's all rendered by the computer, but in these 2d games, it's a still frame... ? So, you can have like 60 fps, but the picture might just be a still pic.. I confused myself xD.
Btw, it's not greenfoot that draws outlined text, the java.awt.Font class has all the methods needed for your fonts. I think the font isn't messed up on this scenario because builderboy used drawString normally. Now, if he were to use drawString on a single individual letter, it would become messed up if the font isn't monospaced. (The problem my scenario had until I told the font to default to the system's default monospaced font).
As of today, java is still cpu processed... I think. Because if it were processed by GPU, none of our games would lag, and all those 3d scenarios would have a respectable screensize.
4 fps xD. Ah that's y the intro took you 1/2 an hr. .. How did you manage to play if it took that long? It's probably 1 fps on my game b/c it's slightly graphic intense on the processor.
There's a pattern in them, if you switch a switch, and it turns on the wrong parts, just switch it off. Hm, maybe it's too much switches to remember?
I'll make it easier then, maybe less switches?
How are the other maps though?
XD. Hm it's one of the maps where there's a large number of solutions. Hint: if you have trouble and keep dying, try using the walls to take out the creatures. Also, you're suppose to get to the top flashing red switch. It's the universal switch.
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Global Men
Water Works
Global Men
Global Men
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Midori World