Wow, this is really neat, I hadn't thought of trying to code Conway's Game of Life in Greenfoot. As soon as I saw this, I immediately started playing with the spaceships! XD
Neat game! Oddly addictive, though you might want to add some sort of a score system or a counter. I did notice you had a counter class in the project, but you didn't seem to be using it. Still, it's a fun game!
When you create a constructor for a class, whenever you create a new class, you need to pass in the variable. Here's an example not in greenfoot:
public class myPrint
public myPrint(string whatToPrint) {
Then I'd do:
new myPrint("TestPrint")
and by passing in the string "TestPrint", the object myPrint would set its variable whatToPrint to "TestPrint"
It's sortof a difficult concept to grasp, I hope I explained it well.
Sure, I'll re-upload it with open source.
The way I did that though was with a constructor, the bullet class looks something like this:
public class Bullet extends Actor
public Bullet(int dir) {
public void act()
Then, when I create the bullet I do it like this:
getWorld().addObject(new Bullet(getRotation()), getX(), getY());
Thanks! Like I said though, it's not done yet. Also, I normally leave sound on my computer off, so sometimes I forget about it. I'll try to add sound to the next version, thanks for the feedback!
Space Chase
Ninto's Game of Life
Collision Physics (Gravity) 1.2.3
Collision Physics (Gravity) 1.2.3
Asteroid Field Navigator 3000
Ultimate Weapon
Ultimate Weapon
Ultimate Weapon