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mjrb4's Comments

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Much better :) Out of interest, how does the quality control work? I'm averaging about 45 fps but when I turn it on it still takes me down to the lowest quality setting. That's probably my single most posted link ;-) Perhaps I should lobby for signatures and put it in there...! :-P
It's the same for me as well - the last update seems to have pushed it over the edge somehow (with the same settings as before it's still very slow, I'm not getting more than 5 fps either.)


I think you're right actually, I'm a bit busy at the moment but I'll look at changing it in the next few days :-)


This isn't working properly due to a problem with the sounds you're using - try opening them in audacity and saving them as 16-bit wav files, then try again - that might fix things.
Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where I wished for a find feature in the class hierachy... that's possibly the most I've ever seen! Are they all being used? With regards to the lag, is that on the level with the smoke particles? As an aside, you could do with cleaning up some of your code a bit so it's more conventional - starting all class names in upper case, variables in lower case, making your fields private rather than public and that sort of thing.


Old image case problem here again - you need to type your images in the source in the same case that they are as a file (at the moment you're using different cases.) Upgrading Greenfoot would also be a wise move, that way you capture this problem before you upload your scenario.
Loving the barrell rolls :-)