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mjrb4's Comments

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I don't seem to be being killed / eaten by anything - is this the idea?
Not a bad start - the jumping could be improved, but the game idea and graphics are pretty good.
Nice game!
The problem here is that you're referencing your images in the source using all lower case file names, but the image files themselves have an upper case extension - you need to change one or the other for it to work. It's also worth upgrading, this issue has been fixed for a while now with newer versions of Greenfoot, where you get warned about this at compile time.


Looks good, though I don't understand the instructions!
No problems with lag from this end - this is with a fairly low spec laptop (1GB RAM, Turion dual core something or other - definitely nothing special.)
Wow. Definitely showcase material! I prefer the default setup to the others - does that make it number 5? It'll be great to see this develop!
Ooh very nice :-)
Nicely done! Of course you could add lots more - have a look at other snake games on the gallery if you want some ideas. My only criticism at the moment is that sometimes the dot appears underneath the snake - perhaps modifing the game so that it only appears in places where the snake isn't would be an idea?