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The Mundane Exploration of Cyan Sphere of Doom

Recent Updates
-Fixed some code to reduce lag
-Fixed walking animation bug caused by lag reduction

Control the Cyan sphere of doom and pave your way through levels!
Grab the bomb to open closed doors to get to the next level.
Avoid pizzas, which drain health, while acquire Oranges to restore it.
A sandbox mode is available after the defeat of the boss (Click the left mouse key to spawn, right key to remove all near the clicked area)
t- the player
g- standard blocks from the beginning
y- the newer strand of platform
h- waypoint for generic structures (for the con yard)
i- standard baby
k- baby strapped to bomb
comma- ration
o- Firebomb item
L- shield generator
period- riceball
p- Mine (for ally)
semicolon - Fuel factory (capturable)
slash - Flying baby barracks
[ - Construction Yard (Allied construction)
' - AI (required for Allied construction/training)

Movement: arrow keys
-Molotov Cocktails: Space (Hold for longer throws)
-Bomber signal: A (takes time)
-Rocket smoke beacon: S
-Instant Armor Vehicle: Q
-Floating Disc Strike: D
-AI Droids: W
I: Return to escorting position
O: Seek Enemy
P: Random (Spazz)
-Field Assembled Supply Center: E
-J to go left, K to go right, M to boost it up, L to deploy

9343 views / 22 in the last 7 days

5 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source platform pseudo-ai

This scenario is a member of: Cyan Sphere of Doom Series

open in greenfoot
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I think i found the problem. When the babies fall from the sky, the game lags, and i think this part of the code in the suicidebaby class has to do with it: platform vipr = (platform) getOneObjectAtOffset(0, (getImage().getHeight()/2), platform.class); if(vipr == null) { setImage("suicidebabyparatroop.png"); setLocation(getX(), getY() + 1); } if(vipr != null) { setImage("suicidebaby.png"); parachute = false; } That was found in the act method, so basically, when the baby is falling, the computer continuously assigns it the same image. So maybe you can have some type of initialization to set the parachute image first so that it isn't set continuously.


Also, you can save those images as greenfootimages, so that Java doesn't have to continuously create an image from the same file.


So this is my modification of the code: public suicidebaby(boolean ini) { parachute = ini; hitpoints = 300; if (parachute) { setImage("suicidebabyparatroop.png"); } } ... else if(parachute == true) { platform vipr = (platform) getOneObjectAtOffset(0, (getImage().getHeight()/2), platform.class); if(vipr == null) { setLocation(getX(), getY() + 1); } if(vipr != null) { setImage("suicidebaby.png"); parachute = false; } } So basically, the initialization of the suicidebaby class takes care of the image, and later, the computer does not continuously set the image as the parachute thing., but sets the landing image when the baby has landed.
ty and I did use the switch on the stages. I have not thought of using switch on the frames... but ty.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jun 19 12:57:07 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jun 19 17:01:15 UTC 2009
We got the sequel coming up with scrolling screen but it does not upload! :(


Totally awesome!


A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jul 11 21:07:06 UTC 2012 Minor patch -The Penultimate stage no longer lags -Units can go out of bound, and if Cyan Sphere falls too much, the stage will be reset as if he has fallen.

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