Very good! The letters are just a bit too close but nothing too noticeable, much better then before. Music is nice, too.
I see that in the background scene with that puddle there is a sign reading "Warning Sweage". Did you mean Sewage?
I created my own collision algorithm, but I have no idea how to implement rotation it it.
norm = norm.unit();
PhysicsObject a = this;
Vector2D ua = a.velocity;
Vector2D ub = b.velocity;
Vector2D uab = ua.subtract(ub);
if(uab.dotProduct(norm) < 0) {
double e = (a.elasticity + b.elasticity) / 2;
double f = Math.min(a.friction, b.friction);
Vector2D tang = norm.perpendicular();
Vector2D uaNorm = ua.projectOnto(norm);
Vector2D uaTang = ua.projectOnto(tang);
Vector2D ubNorm = ub.projectOnto(norm);
Vector2D ubTang = ub.projectOnto(tang);
Vector2D vaNorm = elasticCollision(uaNorm, a.mass, ubNorm, b.mass, e);
Vector2D vbNorm = elasticCollision(ubNorm, b.mass, uaNorm, a.mass, e);
Vector2D inelasticVTang = inelasticCollision(uaTang, a.mass, ubTang, b.mass);
Vector2D vaTang = inelasticVTang.scale(f).add(uaTang.scale(1-f));
Vector2D vbTang = inelasticVTang.scale(f).add(ubTang.scale(1-f));
a.velocity = vaNorm.add(vaTang);
b.velocity = vbNorm.add(vbTang);
I wonder if a solution would be to have a method that applies an impulse to a certain point on the body or something?
I found some site that explained collisions a little bit, and the formula from there is used here:
But it doesn't say anything about friction, and I don't completely understand it :(
Oh, and the blue ball is twice more massive then the red one, I forgot to say that in the description.
Global Men
Midori World
Midori World
Rigid Body Physics Engine
Rigid Body Physics Engine
Global Men
Global Men
Pyro Sand New
Rigid Body Physics Engine