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Scenarios tagged: game

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play Spacewar
plays 359 / votes 0


by Cosmic, 2024/10/10

Spacewar: Single Player Game

play Cyber Haven
plays 401 / votes 0

Cyber Haven

by MaroShantelle, 2024/10/10

Game Programming 1 Project

play Snake
plays 363 / votes 0


by CindeaVlad, 2024/10/10

Clone of popular mobile game Snake

play formiguinha
plays 452 / votes 2


by LULUZINHA, 2024/10/9

esse jogo foi feito por uma criança de apenas 11 anos, EU!

play CRab world project
plays 322 / votes 0

CRab world project

by akagrahkumar, 2024/10/8

play CRab worlddd
plays 501 / votes 0

CRab worlddd

by akagrahkumar, 2024/10/4

play space
plays 412 / votes 0


by akagrahkumar, 2024/10/2

play Test1
plays 424 / votes 0


by Altantsetseg, 2024/10/8

play Evil Crow
plays 531 / votes 0

Evil Crow

by Jacobna, 2024/10/4

Crow survior game