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Scenarios tagged: game

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play Mario Bros.
plays 10263 / votes 1

Mario Bros.

by chiefnoah, 2012/6/3

A remake of the original Mario Bros. for the NES

play Falling Fruit Game
plays 2722 / votes 0

Falling Fruit Game

by LordPie22, 2012/6/5

Try and catch the Fruit. :)

play Asteroids
plays 2515 / votes 0


by kminttech, 2012/6/5

An actual asteroid game

play Brick Breaker
plays 2635 / votes 0

Brick Breaker

by Sciyaps, 2012/6/5

play Dodge The Balls
plays 2325 / votes 0

Dodge The Balls

by SiggyxLeGiiT, 2012/6/5

play Tank
plays 3250 / votes 1


by solo1512, 2012/5/2

You are an armored vehicle and must destroy the enemy tanks.

play Bee Mover
plays 3002 / votes 0

Bee Mover

by solo1512, 2012/5/2

Don't get hit by the ball's!

play Skiin-penguin
plays 1684 / votes 0


by mari_mtz, 2012/6/4

play little fishy
plays 1962 / votes 0

little fishy

by SouthHillsHigh, 2012/6/4