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Scenarios tagged: animation

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play Armature
plays 9336 / votes 12


by Builderboy2005, 2009/11/4

Fluid character movement

play 3D Starfield
plays 8739 / votes 9

3D Starfield

by sp33dy, 2012/1/24

A simple 3d starfield

play The Miner's Siege
plays 162598 / votes 9

The Miner's Siege

by itsmedapri, 2023/10/17

Using frames from Spritefoot in Timed animation

play AnimatedCharacter
plays 7226 / votes 7


by MrCohen, 2018/11/19

Smooth Time-based Animation using Spritefoot Assets

play Lines
plays 5390 / votes 6


by sp33dy, 2012/1/21

Simply swirling and moving lines

play Babus loves cotton
plays 2120 / votes 6

Babus loves cotton

by Kesha_bl, 2023/10/3

Babus really loves cotton, it' game about babus, babus game, game babus, babus babus, babus game

play Animated Character
plays 5243 / votes 5

Animated Character

by danpost, 2014/12/6

A class that creates an animated walking/jumping character.

play Maplestory PVP Simulator
plays 5481 / votes 5

Maplestory PVP Simulator

by JDDavid, 2013/10/1

Working on bugs & updates; Comment below on what should be improved.

play Ikan
plays 4910 / votes 5


by uboiz, 2011/11/13

animated behavior of fish