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kenshinakh presents ...



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You are a tiny spaceship lost in space.
You must shoot and kill anything that gets into your way.
Be careful though, there are alien spaceships that can kill you
with its Tomatoes carrying greeps that blow up on contact.
That's why they were collecting Tomatoes... LOL!
Shoot the green boxes to pick up upgrades for your ship
As you progress through the levels, the game gets harder...and new stuff will happen.

LEFT (or A) and RIGHT (or D) turns the ship left and right respectively
UP (or W) moves ship forwards
DOWN (or S) moves ship backwards
E is to apply emergency breaks (stop the rocket completely)
SPACEBAR is to shoot normal weapon
Z is to shoot AAS, an 360 degree shot
To fire Electromagnetic Pulse - EMP, press X
Press C to shoot Homing Missles
Energy Shot - hold N

-fixed loading error

10/11/08 10:23 PM
-Added load and save game features

10/12/08 8:10 PM
-Rocket now floats around
-when you die, you go back to the middle and start with 100 shield
-added new controls (E - stops ship immediately) (W,A,S,D new commands for moving)

10/13/08 4:17 pm
-Greatly improved gameplay efficiency by loading less images
-created image-independent rocket boosters
-Addition to story line
-changed the level for receiving machinge gun
-changed the score counter and game over sign; it now keeps track of #of greep/asteroid/ship killed.
-fixed save/load glitches
-fixed a few more bugs

10/18/08 4:00 PM
-fixed levels 11-21
-fixed invincibility when dead :D
-added easy and hard mode
-changed turn speed
-changed boost speed
-reduced game lag again (less sound loading)
-fixed score board's incorrect display of stats. It now shows correct number of greeps, asteroids, and spaceship destroyed.
-fixed a few of the bullets
-changed the way greeps are deployed
-fixed emp sound problem

-added two player mode
-fixed level 15-20
-fixed a few bugs
-made the rocket turn and speed a little slower

-fixed bug where greeps target dead rocket :D
-allowed rockets in easymode to go thru space
-fixed 2 plyer mode text

-text now reads from a text file! greatly cleans up my code!
-fixed bug where rocket 1 gets all stats of rocket 2
-tweaked ai
-fixed spelling and grammar errors :D

-created new high quality background
-made game easier :D
-added a midi music player!!!!

-fixed the midi player, now it won't loop continuously and will not overlap music when you reset.
-added health counter for boss
-fixed rocket's acceleration, now it won't speed forward when you try to turn around and go the other way.

-fixed save/load game errors
-you can now continue a game after losing
-fixed save/load game 2 player bugs
-fixed controls of 2 player mode for more ease
-fixed instructions
-fixed bosses
-fixed difficulty, now hard will be hard, easy, easy, and two player harder

-programmed level 20+
-fixed a few bugs

-fixed level 20 not loading correctly
-fixed level loadings of 20+
-fixed die and load game bug
-added level jumper feature
-fixed some lagginess

-cleaned up code and fixed text bug
-lowered lagginess.

-add medium mode
-rewrote menu and keyboard
-fixed loading/continue errors
-fixed auth code enter errors

-optimized game, now it is only 2.2 mb (2.9 b/4)
-fixed a couple errors

-programmed the end of the game
-uploaded source

-fixed shield error
-fixed up source code

-fixed lag?
-fixed continue.
-fixed game crash.

11 / 26/08
-add main menu
-the game now preloads all the data into arrays to prevent lag when loading actors
-new storyline game mode added-has a scrolling world.

-fixed up glitches

fixed more glitches.

updated to 1.5.6 code
I will not continue work on this, nor will i revise it,
my coding style has changed too much.

18178 views / 33 in the last 7 days

31 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game physics with-source codepoint-08-school-16+ gui

open in greenfoot

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 26 08:41:34 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Nov 27 04:01:22 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Nov 27 04:35:12 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Nov 27 06:39:05 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Dec 01 00:14:49 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Dec 02 06:33:16 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Dec 03 06:51:17 UTC 2008


A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Nov 18 03:48:41 UTC 2009


I beat lvl 30 in space but nothing happen the boss became invincible after reachin 0% health

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