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This will become a game sometime soon. For now there's nothing to do except fly and shoot at the ground.
(Edit: Well, actually, it's not gonna become a game anytime soon. I've decided I'd rather be using C++ and using programming tools besides Greenfoot. But you should use my mouse follower code in your own stuff!)
- Accelerate: "W" or "up".
- Brake: "S" or "down" or "space".
- Steer: the Actor turns to face the current mouse position.
- Fire gun turret: any mouse button.
I didn't make the music. It's from the song "Balloon Flight" on the album "Bremelanotide" by "The Grammar Club". The full version with vocals is freely available on their website ( http://thegrammarclub.com/grammarfarm.swf ) in the "media" section. (Their lyrics contain swearing and PG-13 concepts.)
I was planning some cool stuff with the game music, but I can't figure out how to do it with Java/Greenfoot. I was gonna have the music change dynamically with what's going on in the game, but now it'll just play a loop of the same static song. I'll do the cool dynamic stuff in C++ sometime, unless someone can figure out the problem I'm having (which is posted here: http://www.greenfootgallery.org/topics/77 ).
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