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Matrix Effect

Since Java doesn't support matrix like characters I've had to use binary characters '0, 1' instead
this is quite simple to edit and I hope the source code is understanable for everyone.

6485 views / 24 in the last 7 days

11 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: demo with-source binary matrix, painting, effects,

This scenario is a member of: sfx (special effects)

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Since It's 1's and 0's, how about you transform the text into bytes? they are binary, and when converting into Strings, you basically don't have to! As you add it to the arguments, the JVM(Java Virtual Machine, the thing that runs the program) automatically converts it into a String!


Maybe but raw binary is only 0's and 1's, nothing else. If you're wanting to use ASCII characters it's easily changeable, thanks for the response though.


There needs to be more numbers coming down at once for it to be like the Matrix, but good work :)


I think this is really neat stuff. i am making a library app, like where you log in, and see which book you've loged out, see the catalog etc. I am a total beginner in java, so i was wondering how you made it so that the program connected with the greenfoot server and into the user's account. because in my thing, everyone who uses it has an account


oh, by the way, could you reply to the previous comment on my library page? Thanx!


In your code: {code} /** * Used to get the colour of the text depending on * the distance from the start to the end of the journey * @return Returns the colour of the falling code */ public Color getColour() { int i = ((getY() / 10) * 7); int alpha = i > 255 ? 255 : i; return new Color(colour.getRed(), colour.getGreen(), colour.getBlue(), IS_LEADER ? 200 : alpha); } {/code} you should use a different name for your variable "i" because variables named i are, in java, used for loop counters and should not be used for anything else.

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