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Title: JSonic
Version: 1.3
Description: JSonic is an attempt to recreate the smooth acceleration and deceleration seen in Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles from the Genesis/SNES era in Greenfoot (Although obviously the J Stands for Java.)
Version 1.3 is just an engine test (With some actual level added) But there's no end to the level, so this is mostly just for messing around in.
Before the game starts, it will prompt you to eliminate unneeded processing and enlarge your resolution if it isin't big enough. I Highly recommend doing both of your experience might not be as enjoyable. Why make you do this? Mostly because I wanted to abuse the large screen resolution that my new monitor gave me, and I never expected myself to actually publish this. :P
The Controls:
Space Bar: Removes on-screen notice, Jump
Left/Right Arrows: Move in the direction defined by the key pressed.
Down/Up Arrows: Make you look up and down. (Doesn't really have a purpose at the moment...)
Spacebar + Movement in ether direction: Roll.
Version 1.3:
*Code cleaned up
* Got rid of that silly midi Handler
* HUD Somewhat implemented
* Actual LEVEL (Not a finished one, but still)
* Better collision detection
* Ring monitors implemented
NOTE: Even though things work better and the code is cleaned up, this thing is still a bit of a mess and an example of my lack of programming knowlage in Java at the time. I might still continue this if I find interest... Maybe get this one level finished, then move on. We'll see.
version 1.01:
* First version of JSonic publicly released!
* Includes Stand, Walk, Run and Top Speed in both directions.
* Skidding (if you have momentum)
* Rolling (if you have momentum)
* Jumping
* Wall detection
* Floor detection
* Spikes
* Badnik
* Death
* Springs
* Rings
* MIDI Music
* Images
* Animated flowers!
Known Bugs:
* Sometimes a wall will act as a ground and you can jump off of it.
* Sometimes you can get stuck in a monitor
* The spring is pushed inward when standing next to it.
One last comment:
Please don't steal these sprites. I spent a lot of time making them, and I'd be appreciative if you respected my work by not stealing them. If you would like to use them, simply shoot me an E-Mail and I'll probably let you use them.
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This scenario is a member of: My (Java) Games 19
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