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Scenarios tagged: sonic

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play TAILES VS KNUX !!!!!!!!!!!!!
plays 1472 / votes 0

TAILES VS KNUX !!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Noobopanda, 2021/12/25


play TAILES !!!!!!!!!!!!
plays 1313 / votes 0

TAILES !!!!!!!!!!!!

by Noobopanda, 2021/12/20


play SONIC!!!!!!!
plays 1410 / votes 1


by Noobopanda, 2021/5/25

sonic sonic

play Diamond Collector
plays 3707 / votes 2

Diamond Collector

by erdelf, 2013/8/6

Collect the Diamonds

play Sonic(Test) v1.3
plays 4117 / votes 1

Sonic(Test) v1.3

by Sparky, 2013/7/24

This is my progress in 3 days.

play Super Crash Brothers
plays 16301 / votes 25

Super Crash Brothers

by jagrosh, 2013/3/13

Battle your friends or the computer in this 4-player platformer-fighter!

play Sonic The Hedgehog
plays 19134 / votes 0

Sonic The Hedgehog

by xXxpr0sn1p3rxXx420YOLO, 2013/3/13

Classic Sonic The Hedgehog

play Sonic: Metroid Hedgehog
plays 4269 / votes 2

Sonic: Metroid Hedgehog

by jagrosh, 2013/3/13

Dodge and shoot enemies!

play JSonic
plays 6185 / votes 4


by Mygames19, 2010/5/20

An attempt at creating Sonic in Greenfoot!