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Builderboy2005 presents ...



I have been expirementing with Writable rasters, and the speed increases they offer, and I have put together this scenario as a Demo to the kind of thinks that can be done with them.

I have implemented writable rasters and a byte based lookup table for fast reading and writing to and from Greenfoot Images, in a handy FastImage class.

The demos that are so far included in this scenario are:
1: Fade Effect. Click to make interesting lines that fade away and blur
2: Fade Effect #2
3: Waves. Exploits a usefull quirk when the color value goes out of bounds ;)
4: Swirl. A cool spinning and whirling effect. Use your mouse to add more to the vat!
5: Plasma. More expirimentation with the color glitch.
6: Paint. Watch it drip and slide, and has interesting rules. Expirimentation with line drawing
7:Tunnel. Use the arrow keys to move around and explore! :P

Use the number keys to switch between the demos.

9902 views / 16 in the last 7 days

17 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: demo with-source graphics

This scenario is a member of: Scenario showcase, Art, Patterns and Music

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Greenfoot 2.0 is released - I'm waiting...


Haha now that its released i can actually start to finish the demo :P Be patient!


Patience isn't one of my strong points... Its been over a week!!! Can you hurry up and release a prototype? (this waiting is killing me - not enough to stop me programming, naturally, but killing me none the less).


Well you are just going to have wait a bit longer :P Trust me the wait will be worth it. In the meantime i am updating my armature scenario to better work in Greenfoot2.0 and without any method overloading.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 19 20:36:22 UTC 2010 Added a 7th animation using a fun tunnel algorithem


This is a little over my head. Still, I'm surprised that for() loops that repeat for the images width and height are faster than greenfootImage. Thats awesome


The reason for its speed is because i am using some very low level access to the actual data that GreenfootImage uses to represent the Image


Lol PiRocks where did you go! I released the game demo you were so eager to see :P


Hey! I may love to program (and spend WAY too much time doing it), but I still have a life! I don't check back every day...


I love #5 ;)!

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