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I'm sorry. =( This bug has eluded me the past two days. It has been very frustrating. Finally I came to my senses after setting down my other project and picking up and exporting this one.
I'm not familiar with the Game of Life at all, but the parsing looks to be a nice addition. Seems to have a similar premise of my UserInfo Greeps. Maybe you could add a feature to save the text with UserInfo.


It is an elevator style of "The Imperial March" from Star Wars (, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was in that game.


Yeah I have the same sound problem. Doesn't do it when downloaded. Used GreenfootSound, with volume decrementing to 0 if not in elevator. But are you having serious lags? The FPS is high 30s to 40s for me. Not having a multi core system might be a difference concerning threading.
Thank you!
@JetLennit: By making a thread and knowing how much work the thread needs to do and its current progress
Thanks. Ah yes adding elevators in the editor is not ready yet.
Thank you. @Zamoht I have noticed the "shaking" and have tried to fix it. I think it has to do with the location of the player being doubles and when rendering I cast them to ints. Haven't got a solution yet, but am working on it.