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now it runs fluently with 40 fps @tylers, how the do you get 50?
laggy as hell
torpedos are to weak now, the klingon bird-of-prey without shields would instantly explode in contact with a tactical torpedo. and four phasers arent strong enough to kill the ship, phasers doesnt cause much damage on hull.


maybe you could add all 4,228,250,625 colors. btw how can I change the method to be used?


this is great work, could you make it, that if I keep my mouse pressed more fireworks will come? btw I think there are only 16.99 million different colors
so, putting a stargate with zero effects in it, makes it a stargate themed game? with background music from star trek
I can decompile it, just give me your mail
phaser doesn't cause an explosion, and torpedos arent this strong
great, the collision mask is only at the colored points of the wombat