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SPower's Comments

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Maybe you can add a undo button: that would be great!
Great! But one question: why do you have the 'with-source' tag, while you didn't post the source code?
The for loop just does it once: you can remove the for loop. And I don't see the energy instance variable, so it this shouldn't compile.


He is from the Netherlands. @michaelsam ACT NORMAL! This project isn't hard to programmate, so create it on your own. You don't have to get mad for things like this, martijn13039 just wanted to tell you're not the creator of Greenfoot. And please: set another profile picture, this confuses people.
Thanks for the feedback, davmac! I'll learn from your scenario.
Ok, but object oriented programming is more important (because Java is a object oriented language), and most people don't know how to do it right...
It doesn't stop when you've eaten all the worms...
@martijn13039 Maybe I will make a course about making a menu, but I first want to focus on school, and I first want to make a lesson about real object oriented programming (something most programmers don't do, unfortunately)
I know, that's the demo!!!!