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Image Editor

My scenario from earlier today "Image Effects" ( made me think of making this: An image editor :)
Its fairly basic as of right now, but its the first time I've implemented (well, and created) menu's and toolbars, which was the most interesting part in my opinion. I would (and know how to) make it able to load images you choose from your hard disk, however I'm fairly sure that the functionality does not work on the gallery for some reason or other. If it does, give me a heads up and I'll put it in! For the moment though, you have the option of loading a random image (one of 6 - the same images as for my Image Effects scenario), or just create new ones from scratch with the brush!

6423 views / 17 in the last 7 days

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Tags: mouse game simulation physics demo uaslp korea no tags really

This scenario is a member of: Image manipulation

open in greenfoot
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Yay! I've been thinking about doing something along this line. Great start!


Maybe you can add a undo button: that would be great!


Alright, sure - I'll make that now :) Give me a minute to code it and it'll be up :P
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 12 15:30:25 UTC 2012 Undo button!


That took longer than expected - I wasted about 20 minutes going about it completely the wrong way, which I then realized, so I deleted all the added code and got it done :) Atm it only allows for one undo at a time to prevent heap space issues
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 12 15:35:16 UTC 2012 Undo button!

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