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they get stuck in the wall
yes ok i will it later / ja ok krank machen es später
espanial/spanish hola, lo siento mi español no es muy bueno, dont realmente no sé lo que quieres decir english/ingles hello, sorry my Spanish is not very good, dont really do not know what you mean
this is epic
probably setImage(...) method.
thanks :D
thanks:) and i forgot to crop the starting bit out :D
@spower added sound
/** * Prepare the world for the start of the program. That is: create the initial * objects and add them to the world. */ private void prepare() { Dirt dirt = new Dirt(); addObject(dirt, 0, 19); Dirt dirt2 = new Dirt(); addObject(dirt2, 1, 19); Dirt dirt3 = new Dirt(); addObject(dirt3, 2, 19); Dirt dirt4 = new Dirt(); addObject(dirt4, 3, 19); DirtwGrass dirtwgrass = new DirtwGrass(); addObject(dirtwgrass, 0, 18); DirtwGrass dirtwgrass2 = new DirtwGrass(); addObject(dirtwgrass2, 1, 18); DirtwGrass dirtwgrass3 = new DirtwGrass(); addObject(dirtwgrass3, 2, 18); DirtwGrass dirtwgrass4 = new DirtwGrass(); addObject(dirtwgrass4, 3, 18); Glass glass = new Glass(); addObject(glass, 3, 17); Flower flower = new Flower(); addObject(flower, 1, 17); Bush bush = new Bush(); addObject(bush, 3, 17); Tree tree = new Tree(); addObject(tree, 0, 17); Player player = new Player(); addObject(player, 2, 17); IronOre ironore = new IronOre(); addObject(ironore, 4, 19); Dirt dirt5 = new Dirt(); addObject(dirt5, 4, 18); Dirt dirt6 = new Dirt(); addObject(dirt6, 6, 19); Dirt dirt7 = new Dirt(); addObject(dirt7, 5, 19); Dirt dirt8 = new Dirt(); addObject(dirt8, 5, 18); Bush bush2 = new Bush(); addObject(bush2, 6, 18); Bush bush3 = new Bush(); addObject(bush3, 5, 17); Bush bush4 = new Bush(); addObject(bush4, 4, 17); GoldOre goldore = new GoldOre(); addObject(goldore, 7, 19); Bush bush5 = new Bush(); addObject(bush5, 7, 18); Bush bush6 = new Bush(); addObject(bush6, 8, 19); }