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Thanks for the help.
"Copy the TextImage.JAVA file from the project folder to your 'Greenfoot/lib/greenfoot/common' folder to allow easy addition into your scenarios using the 'Edit>Import class...' option from the menubar." Why not the CLASS file, that way it will be there but you won't see it in the Greenfoot sidebar? (But I guess then it might not show up in the import class list, I don't know much about it.)
I just saw "NOTE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS CLASS -- except for the five static 'default' fields in the modifiable section below fields.". But I technically could edit it, just maybe before I do too much testing I should copy it into the Greenfoot folder mentioned above (I also just saw that).
With the listFonts() method in only shows the last 45 fonts that I have. I made my own method in the class which saves the fonts to a text file and it shows ALL my fonts.
Even though it seems that bourne isn't around here anymore, I couldn't help but mention that I managed to get 12/10 rooms. I got enough codes to unlock 10 rooms but I kept on typing in that same code and I was able to build more rooms. I then saved the new rooms that I built so that I built a total of 12 rooms when I should only be able to build 10. There is no code (I'm assuming, unless this is on purpose) checking if a password was typed in already before saying that there are new things unlocked and adding them.
Does this scenario do anything, and if yes how?
Does this scenario do anything, and if yes how? You could've just updated GREG instead of making a GREG2.
@StarterCreator You don't even have any scenarios for him to steal (but I guess you did say "idea").
I have 3.0.4 and its not the latest