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danpost's Scenarios

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play Level Changing Demo
plays 5126 / votes 2

Level Changing Demo

by danpost, 2013/11/4

Demonstration of an actor being passed from world to world with two counters.

play Room Changing by Portals
plays 4008 / votes 2

Room Changing by Portals

by danpost, 2013/11/27

A room changing demonstration using portal objects.

play Pong 3D
plays 5294 / votes 3

Pong 3D

by danpost, 2013/12/1

A single-player three-dimensional pong game.

play Rail Game
plays 5198 / votes 6

Rail Game

by danpost, 2013/12/2

A game where you control the height of both ends of a rail to guide a ball to the target hole.

play Use of 'this' demo
plays 4293 / votes 3

Use of 'this' demo

by danpost, 2013/12/9

This is a demonstration of the uses of 'this' within your code. As well as a portal system demo.

play Horiz/Vert/Univ Scroller
plays 4850 / votes 7

Horiz/Vert/Univ Scroller

by danpost, 2013/12/10

A limited scroller (horizontal, vertical, or universal).

play Object Trail Following Demo
plays 4840 / votes 3

Object Trail Following Demo

by danpost, 2013/12/16

Demonstration of object point and line following.

play Tower of Hanoi
plays 4862 / votes 4

Tower of Hanoi

by danpost, 2013/12/21

Non-recursive, non-iterative version of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle with manual and auto modes.

play Hexagonal SuperWorld
plays 5021 / votes 3

Hexagonal SuperWorld

by danpost, 2014/1/8

A superclass for a hexagonal world (a world made up of adjoining hexagons). Orientation specified. Subclassed to show Fibonacci series generation.

play FPS Checker
plays 30241 / votes 4

FPS Checker

by danpost, 2014/1/13

See how many frames per second you are going.