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danpost's Scenarios

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play Glowing Walls Maze Demo
plays 6284 / votes 3

Glowing Walls Maze Demo

by danpost, 2014/12/13

A glow-by-contact hidden colored wall maze w/step-by-step how-to.

play L Game
plays 14628 / votes 1

L Game

by danpost, 2019/11/25

Strategic 2P game.

play Scrolling SuperWorld
plays 27444 / votes 38

Scrolling SuperWorld

by danpost, 2012/11/20

A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use.

play Progress bar/Health bar class
plays 23092 / votes 25

Progress bar/Health bar class

by danpost, 2012/2/5

Re-usable Bar class for a health bar, progress meter, or other quantitative measurement

play Bee Quick (ImgScroll demo)
plays 5039 / votes 1

Bee Quick (ImgScroll demo)

by danpost, 2015/4/20

Accomplish the goal before time runs out.

play Animated Character
plays 5250 / votes 5

Animated Character

by danpost, 2014/12/6

A class that creates an animated walking/jumping character.

play Jump and Run Demo w/Moving Platform
plays 11913 / votes 11

Jump and Run Demo w/Moving Platform

by danpost, 2014/4/15

A jump and run platform demo with a moving platform.

play 3D Motion Demo
plays 11054 / votes 28

3D Motion Demo

by danpost, 2012/4/16

Sample code to emulate 3D motion.

play Image Transparency Adder/Trimmer
plays 9003 / votes 4

Image Transparency Adder/Trimmer

by danpost, 2013/1/29

Change specified colors to transparent and removes excess transparent edges.

play Pakman
plays 7638 / votes 3


by danpost, 2013/6/30

A remake of the standard arcade game with added feature.