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danpost's Scenarios

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play Scrolling SuperWorld
plays 27230 / votes 38

Scrolling SuperWorld

by danpost, 2012/11/20

A super-class for a scrolling world; fully documented and very easy to use.

play Snake Tracks Demo
plays 4468 / votes 1

Snake Tracks Demo

by danpost, 2012/11/25

Another Snake Demo (three worlds with different movement capabilities) using snake 'tracks' to guide the segments.

play Radial Graphs
plays 3512 / votes 4

Radial Graphs

by danpost, 2012/12/6

Graphic representation of directions that can be taken by using 'setLocation' and 'move'.

play Game of Life Type2
plays 3586 / votes 1

Game of Life Type2

by danpost, 2012/12/12

A one-world no-actor take on Conway's Game of Life.

play Light Beam Class Demo
plays 5289 / votes 7

Light Beam Class Demo

by danpost, 2012/12/26

An actor class that creates a beam of light within darkness. Follows a light source object.

play Sliderz Trifecta
plays 3376 / votes 2

Sliderz Trifecta

by danpost, 2013/1/3

Slider puzzles of 9, 16, and 25 tiles with grading and progress tracking.

play Wave Pulse
plays 4836 / votes 9

Wave Pulse

by danpost, 2013/1/8

Variations on a wave pulsator. Click changes world. UP/DN arrow changes apparent speed.

play Pong Pinball
plays 6900 / votes 4

Pong Pinball

by danpost, 2013/2/5

A cross between pong and pinball with good detection and perfect bounce. Now with documented source.

play Toll-tally Mad
plays 4713 / votes 4

Toll-tally Mad

by danpost, 2013/5/28

Toll the bell as much as possible before time runs out.

play Pakman
plays 7415 / votes 3


by danpost, 2013/6/30

A remake of the standard arcade game with added feature.