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Builderboy2005's Comments

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Just a sugestion, you have a really good working engine here, but i would make the squares with letters have white backgrounds so there is no confusion whether or not they are empty or not.
It seems to me that the music and the steps get off sync. Maybe a midi would work better?
I did 6+6*6-6-6*6+6 and it gave me -6, which is not correct. Maybe an order of operations problem?
You might want to make your name smaller, as its screwing up the main page.
Well that sounds interesting zerg, I've been working on a major update, and i would love to see the code, although i might not include it in the code point final tomorow. My email is
but that would ruin all the fun! The best part is that you don't know where they are. And what do you mean by mouse look? I guess i will have to see...
abd what i mean by not stop is that even if I exit greenfoot completely, it still won't go away. Sometimes even if i quit my browser it still continues.
by the way. AWESOME game.