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kenshinakh presents ...


Vector Ball

Vector Ball is a game based on Ink Ball, instead of a pen, you use vectors to move the ball.
There are 4 difficulties: easy, medium, hard, and very hard.
Each difficulty has 5 levels.

How to Play Vector Ball:
You use your mouse to place down vectors.
When a ball hits a vector, it will gain speed according to the direction and size of the vector.
Click up or w to increase vector size.
Click down or s to decrease vector size
The lowest vector size possible will stop the ball
Click a or left to turn vector placer left
Click d or right to turn vector placer right
Remember, don't let the ball of the wrong color go into the wrong colored hole!

-game created

-stop vectors can no longer be placed at start holes
-fixed errors in generating random blocks

-added music
-fixed a few errors

-if ball goes out of boundry, it returns to start hole
-the ball doesn't stop now after rolling for a long time
-start holes will not spawn next to end holes
-end holes will not spawn next to each other

8386 views / 15 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game codepoint-08-school-16+

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This is a really cool idea, but there are a few bugs. It sometimes seems to randomly tell me "Game over" even when nothing went wrong. Also, on level 4 I got orange balls, but there was no orange hole - it was covered up by the green hole!! I think it would be better if the levels had predefined layouts rather than being randomly generated. Also, it's really easy just to put a "stop" vector at the launch point, so that you get a ball which isn't initially moving. It's kind of cheating, I know... but maybe there should be some way to prevent it from happening.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Oct 28 05:15:13 UTC 2008


thanks davmac, I have fixed these issues, and fixed the algorithm on which the random board is generated. It should be 100% flawless now (except for a few cases)... Just wondering, should the ball not be affected by friction? Because friction really makes this game a lot easier than I thought.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 02 04:25:44 UTC 2008


GREAT! (This seems like inkball!)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Nov 08 21:20:47 UTC 2008




abd what i mean by not stop is that even if I exit greenfoot completely, it still won't go away. Sometimes even if i quit my browser it still continues.


You have to have three hands to really be able to play this game. One hand on w/s, one on left/right, and one on the mouse. I would recomend changing left/right to a/d, respectively.



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