Bigger bug: your logic is incorrect here - you can win - try bottom left, top right, bottom right, bottom middle - that looks like a win to me!
There IS a way to make sure that the human can't win, but you have to be cleverer than just looping through all the possible things that can happen for that move, you have to stop the game getting into a situation where a win is inevitable (which is what happens in the above example.)
Oh it does now. Strange. Anyway - nice start! The side scrolling thing works reasonably well, though a lot of blocks seem to collect towards the left hand side at the end of the stage. The basics work well, there's obviously a lot of scope for adding more graphically, jumping could be smoother and something to show I've reached the end of the stage would be nice - but it's a good foundation here for building more.
The speed is sorted! However, I wouldn't call this final...
1) It seems that however I hit the ball, I can only go in 45 degree intervals - it won't let me aim any differently and this seems to make it impossible to get it in the hole!
2) Shouldn't the speed of the ball slow down?
3) If I hit it straight down, it gets stuck at the edge
4) Some form of power measurement would be nice :)
Perhaps the lin / rot switch toggling could be improved (so it just changes at every key press rather than while the key is down) but yup it's great! With the increasing number of scenarios like this perhaps the "two-dimensional" bit on the gallery homepage is a bit too specific now :P
3-D Space Flight
The Macro Univers
The Macro Univers
Biomekanoid Chicken