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Then negative color of my blue fire in my Profile Pic is red fire... interesting...
Multi-armed pendulum physics. Nice!
I'm purposely making the game on the greenfoot website so it is easily accessible (and it's the only programming software I'm good with currently). Also, I would like to make a public level editor that uses userInfo() to store the map data. Great huh? I'll have to refresh myself with how to write to files so I can make the levels have a LOT of data storage if you download it (basically the public level editor will be the one I use to develop the game), but it should turn out fine. Right now, I'm currently working on the final touches of the XBuster, and them I'm going to move on to wall jumping and dashing (it's the wall jumping I'm most worried about though). I should actually have it ready to present within this month (the alpha version with the level editor that is). Let's hope it goes well!
Hey, this is pretty nifty!
Yes. I just decided to write it on this scenario at my school, and then download it later. It has absolutely zero relevance to the actual physics engine.
I fixed the problem. Apparently, I accidentally had a +getUserInfo()+ that I forgot to remove (it was part of something I was testing, but I decided not to try on this scenario), and it ended up redefining every time "act()" was called. So yeah... that's why it was working on my computer, but not on the website. It kept lagging out the scenario!
That is odd.... It seems to almost break when I press enter after typing the correct password, but then it loads, and lags horribly. However, it seems to be perfectly fine on my computer. Strange...
Now THIS is amazing!
P.S.: I don't have a flash drive, and my scenario I want to use the MenuSelection actor for is at my house.