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Entity1037's Comments

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Seriously, it's like a giant line of yellow though the entire track. Like what the heck!
I just got this glitch were it repeatively spawns pac enemies EXTREMELY close together even though the timer is at 0.
It's OK. This game is actually not to hard if you use the eisentowers with some eistowers next to eachother. You just have to make sure to pause the game fast enough. :P
The counter glitched and started counting into the negatives. It just keeps spawning pacmans and it's like at -262. You might want to change the timer to start a new round if it's LESS THAN or equal to 0.
When I look at the static really hard, I can kind of see rotating lines. Does anyone else see that?
.......OOOOOH I get it! Cool!
Hey, how did you detect the FPS?
Clicking the high score button doesn't do anything....?
Nice! The particles keep clumping to the right side of the screen for some reason though...