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Entity1037's Comments

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Very professional!
By that I mean a 360 degree hit detection engine.
Ooooh, I never thought of that. Cool! I'll probably leave you to do it though. This physics engine I made is mainly for non-realistic video games like Megaman or Zelda. I wouldn't really have a use to make something like that.
No seriously, how would that work??
Yes. I have no idea how a sphearical hitbox would work...
Wait, I just looked at some earlier comments on this scenario. The creator of the terrain generator is "Game/maniac";
Actually, i downloaded the terrain generator from some scenario from like a year and a half ago. I have absolutely no Idea who made it. :/ Although... I think it would be a good project for me to write my own terrain generation program. Also, the smiley is a placeholder for the sun and moon (I use the smiley face for a placeholder in a lot of my scenarios...).
Press b to win!
I think it's a given to not do something like this...