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danpost presents ...


12-pce Rectangular Puzzle

Objective: to place all 12 pieces inside the rectangle completely filling it with blue.

Log in to save your stats (it saves your solutions and informs you of how many different solution you have achieved -- not including mirrors and rotations). When a solution is reached and the scenario stops, press 'Run' to view Stats screen and and again to return to the puzzle. If not logged in, the Stats are not shown and the puzzle resumes immediately.

Because the size of the images for the pieces were so large that it caused handling problems, I added handles to each piece (the round black dots).

Left click (without any dragging) to rotate the piece 90 degrees.
Right click (without any dragging) to flip the piece over; flipping is only allowed on pieces that will not produce the same result by turning.
Drag-n-drop the pieces into place.

'x' or 'escape' to return to puzzle
'up' and 'down' to scroll page
Drag scrollbar handle to scroll page

Click 'Run' to return to puzzle

5234 views / 15 in the last 7 days

4 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse puzzle danpost codes stats

This scenario is a member of: Puzzles by danpost

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it only counts a miss if all objects were taken from the sideboard or what?


I does not count misses at all. It just records the different solutions you have found.


'Added the missing ranking numbers in with high score stats.' Oh sry understood this the false way, thought that missing would be counted as well ;D good thing :)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Mar 16 13:39:39 UTC 2014


Had to re-size the app window (I have to solve the puzzle each time and get to the Stats screen before uploading or the Stats screen will end up with scrollbars).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2018-02-07 19:19:14 UTC


Now freezes up in HTML5.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2018-02-07 21:43:17 UTC


why are some user images big and some are small?


@nolttr21, the images are smaller when in the tray; they become normal size when in the placement area. This was done to reduce the size of the tray (which would need to be around two to three times the size of the rectangle, otherwise).

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