It takes 5 shots from a phaser to destroy the ship, and two torpedos.
This is something i may change.
At the moment the enemy has 10 as it's max damage, torpedos deal 8 and phasers deal 2. I will probably change that i the next update!
I have run into a really annoying problem. I tried to add damage levels to the asteroid, that failed and I tried to go back to how it was before, but i keep getting these errors in the Terminal Window:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
the same thing again, then:
java.lang.OutOfMemmoryError: Java heap space
Do you know what the cause of this is?
When the ship moves forwards, it stays centre of the screen. When it turns, the world stays still but when you move forwards again, it side scrolls. Would you have to put the WASD commands in the World class file?
Star Trek: Ceaseless Conflict
Star Trek: Ceaseless Conflict
Star Trek: Ceaseless Conflict
Space Attack
Star Trek: Ceaseless Conflict
Star Trek: Ceaseless Conflict
Star Trek
Star Trek
Star Trek