Looks great and uses some real mathematical functions to make things happen.
A suggestion. Now you would have to modify the Man class everytime you need to adjust one of possible pictures (texture, sand, board, etc.) If you could make them external to the Man class, e.g. create a Texture class (with the image and the key it should act upon) and have those make themselves known to the Man class - so he can keep 'em in a list. In Man's act() method you can ask for each Texture object if its key has been pressed and return its image.
This way you'll never have to add a new GreenfootImage as a private variabele, scale it to a new size in the constructor and also check it for a keypress in the act() method. Just a small change to prevent the Man's class for breaking accidentally whenever you need to add, change oe remove a new image to be displayed.
Keep up the good work!
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Textured Cube
Textured Cube