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Get number from another object
By Gazzzah, with 4 replies.
Last reply by Gazzzah, about 13 years ago:
Morran wrote...
Or, you could have it work off of a parent system. In the Base class, you could have "private Turret myTurret;"(an instance variable), and then in Base's "act()" method, it would update "myTurret" 's position.
The MyTurret sounds like the right option, seems more reliable and logical. How might I go about doing that in code?
Problem with editing posts.
By kiarocks, with no replies.
When i tried to edit my post, it deleted the post after me updating it. It also kept saying the site did not exist.
.png images for project
By ajnab26, with 2 replies.
Last reply by ajnab26, about 13 years ago:
Thanks anyway
Accesing variable from another object
By Yasuf, with 13 replies.
Last reply by Yasuf, about 13 years ago:
Man ur great :D My mistake is so dumb I even won't try to comment it thank you everyone now its running :D
Problem accessing methods from a List
By mal, with 4 replies.
Last reply by mal, about 13 years ago:
Ah right, that makes sense. Thank you!
Setting the Initial starting world or a scenario
By rvevea, with 2 replies.
Last reply by davmac, about 13 years ago:
Or, just instantiate the world class which you want to be the first world interactively, by right-clicking the class and calling the constructor. No need to go editing text files :)
By jeffsboosted18t, with 1 reply.
Replied to by davmac, about 13 years ago:
Starting with 3., what have you tried so far? Is it that you have no idea how to proceed at all, or have you tried something unsuccessfully?
In need of code to make the screen scroll.
By carterfootball, with 6 replies.
Last reply by mal, about 13 years ago:
We have since looked at having a sequence of images that are added just before they are due to appear on screen and then removed once they pass off the other side of the screen. You can cycle through an array of smaller images continuously that way.
move() up?
By ardwennem2, with 2 replies.
Last reply by ardwennem2, about 13 years ago:
yes... thought a little too late of that -.- thanx anyway
Randombackground color
By Scaldren, with 1 reply.
Replied to by bourne, about 13 years ago:
Then create an image filled with a random Color. You could try (note you would need to have "import java.awt.Color;") <Code Omitted> Or if you want a select few Colors to randomly pick from: (note you would need to have "import java.awt.Color;" AND "import java.util.*;")
Cathedral High School -- Indianapolis, IN
By jimfaulkner, with 3 replies.
Last reply by jimfaulkner, about 13 years ago:
PS. Don't keep hitting -- even if you message takes a long while to show up as being POSTED.
How Do You Customize The Icon At The Top Left Corner Of The Window?
By Morran, with 4 replies.
Last reply by mjrb4, about 13 years ago:
But you can change the image of the shortcut!
Of course you can - but nowhere in the original question was that asked...
Working memory
By Busch2207, with 1 reply.
Replied to by mjrb4, about 13 years ago:
Have a look at
this thread
- short answer is yes, you can change it.
Good JDK
By MrAlfieWilliams, with 1 reply.
Replied to by davmac, about 13 years ago:
Click the "Download" link above (in the header bar) and then "Download JDK". Then, next to "Java SE 7u1", click "Download" in the JDK column.
Can Someone please help
By 2woodsway, with 11 replies.
Last reply by darkmist255, about 13 years ago:
@2woodsway I agree that it's good of you to try to learn where you made your mistakes, that's great. I think that the question just was worded in a way that made it seem shifty, and a lot of people today (sadly) seem to just ask for answers. If you're trying to learn from your mistakes, just move forward knowing that these guys didn't know who you were and assumed that you were just being lazy. I have to agree with their initial thoughts, seeing just a question made it seem like a copy and paste thing. I'm sure they would've been very happy to answer if you started with something like "I t