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Gazzzah wrote ...


Get number from another object

Gazzzah Gazzzah


Hello, For my major work in software development I will need a motion parenting mechanism. However I am relatively new to Greenfoot and I'm not entirely sure how to use the "get" methods. It would be awesome if I could tell object "A" to get "number" from object "B". I looked at the Greenfoot API and found some useful things like "getObjects()" and "getObjectsInRange()". I imagine it would go something like: getWorld().getObjects(B.class).getNumber() (assuming I've pre-wrote a getNumber Method) However, whatever I do I can't figure it out. A little help please?
MeCanta MeCanta


Hi, do you mind sharing with us what major work in software development you're referring to?
Gazzzah Gazzzah


MeCanta wrote...
Hi, do you mind sharing with us what major work in software development you're referring to?
For school. I am to develop a piece of software of my choice in the structured approach. I am making a top-down, wave based survival game. Some of the enemies have moving parts (eg a rotating turret or a spike that thrusts out). For these moving parts I will need them to be able to update position or rotation by getting it from the other class. Hope that's helpful.
Morran Morran


If they are intersecting objects, like a turret would intersect a tank or base, you could have the turret call:
Base base = (Base) getOneIntersectingObject(Base.class);
if(base != null) {//should not be null, unless the turret does not really intersect a base
   setLocation(base.getX(), base.getY());
Or, you could have it work off of a parent system. In the Base class, you could have "private Turret myTurret;"(an instance variable), and then in Base's "act()" method, it would update "myTurret" 's position.
Gazzzah Gazzzah


Morran wrote...
Or, you could have it work off of a parent system. In the Base class, you could have "private Turret myTurret;"(an instance variable), and then in Base's "act()" method, it would update "myTurret" 's position.
The MyTurret sounds like the right option, seems more reliable and logical. How might I go about doing that in code?
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