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Greenfoot back
DonaldDuck wrote ...


Greenfoot Mobile App?

Builderboy2005 Builderboy2005


SPower SPower


Now I feel dumb
pluess pluess


Beta version of ProjectBuilder for AIDE development is ready for download. See Smartphone IDE
Duta Duta


Sweet, if I hadn't lost my Android, I'd download it >_< @davmac/nccb/someone on the Greenfoot team, I seriously think there should be at least a link to this somewhere on the website (hidden in this discussion doesn't count)
-nic- -nic-


is it possible to create a virtual android phone that i can run the cod created by the editor that pluess metioned as i do not have a android phone and im not allowed to get one untill i have made a working app?? forget this i found the slim emulator:D
MatheMagician MatheMagician


I can't find the jdroidlib download.
pluess pluess


You find the JDroidLib download at Aegidius
MatheMagician MatheMagician


Thanks! I looked there before, but I didn't look to the side or anything. Thanks again!
MatheMagician MatheMagician


Hhhmm, considering the difficulties associated with entirely transforming Greenfoot to be compatible with android, it would be a lot easier for someone just to change the code in the five main Greenfoot classes into something android compatible that could be used in eclipse. That way, people could see the code and advance beyond simple Greenfoot code in their quest for programming cool games.
davmac davmac


The five main Greenfoot classes don't really do very much. Most of the difficulty comes from handling input and drawing the world and actors to the screen; this functionality is implemented in other classes. Also the API exposes some AWT classes (especially java.awt.Color and java.awt.Font) which doesn't exist on Android.
-nic- -nic-


If you want to create apps just get the eclipse android app plugin and readn the android apps book for dummies to get started im doing it at the moment its not that hard
MatheMagician MatheMagician


I know that getImage() implements java.awt and android does not allow it. I also know it is not that hard to program pure android (I am doing that myself right now), but I was thinking it would be helpful to others. You can use canvas and bitmap instead of java.awt. I did not mean directly converting the code into android, I meant writing new code that gave the same functionality with the same names. I think I will do a small version of this over the weekend and then post it for you guys to see what I mean. Of course, I do agree with nic: it doesn't take too long to figure out android by yourself. So maybe all of this is pointless.
darkmist255 darkmist255


@MatheMagician I see what you mean when you say "transforming" but as you said before, it's probably better to just try to go all on your own if you want to move on to android. You seem like you would be able to manage fine.
MatheMagician MatheMagician


Haha, I have spent a little while working on this and then i realized how backwards I complicated I was making everything. Ah well, there goes that idea, though I will still make my balloons game. I think it will turn out pretty good and hopefully I'll be able to finish it.
darkmist255 darkmist255


If you have anything you're wondering about, I'll be glad to help. I'd like to develop for Android in the near future.
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