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Greenfoot back
DonaldDuck wrote ...


Greenfoot Mobile App?

toytttttt toytttttt


davmac wrote...
I heard iPhone dosen't support programming languages,
If it didn't support any programming languages, there would be no way to write software for it. It supports at least Objective-C, C, C++ and Objective-C++.
but Xcode is java, isn't it?
No, Xcode is an IDE. And, just because you write some code with Xcode doesn't mean it will run on an iPhone.
I mean that you can't put a programming language app on the app store, or so I've heard.
davmac davmac


I mean that you can't put a programming language app on the app store, or so I've heard.
Ok, that's true. But I think this discussion is about running scenarios on the phone, not running Greenfoot itself.
toytttttt toytttttt


Oh, I obviously mistook the topic. Sorry.
pluess pluess


Programming apps for smartphones and tablets may give an additional motivation kick in introductory programming courses. Therefore we ported the fundamental concept of Greenfoot to the Android platform. For more information see Enjoy. Aegidius
SPower SPower


Did you ever thought about typing in code on an iPhone? That wouldn't be much fun I think....
darkmist255 darkmist255


Wow, nice work with the porting. Looks good!
zepman zepman


Hello, I just did my first try with the jdroid-lib on my Android-Tablet and the app AIDE as editor and compiler. With a bluetooth keyboard it seems to be a good compromise for the first learning steps. And without a device students can use the onlineeditor as an emulator. Therefore we used the standard android-sdk because the emulatorinstallation on says 404, file not found. This "oneklick"--installation would be really great to start with this flipped curriculum conzept. Thanks for the work.
pluess pluess


Hi, Indeed AIDE is a nice tool, but still in development. To create Greenfoot like projects with JDroidLib, the external library JDroidLib.jar must be included. The AIDE team replies to a question how to include Google Maps: 'References to external libraries are not supported right now and those are needed in order to correctly compile projects using the Google Maps API. Supporting external libraries is high on our TODO list though.' So we have to wait a moment. Meanwhile you may use our online editor/compiler (here ) to develop any Android app. The Slim Emulator can be downloaded from here . Regards. Aegidius
drhorriblejr drhorriblejr


I would love if that was possible and I tried that before And it didn't work.
zepman zepman


AIDE works! It is possible to add libaries. (Menu | Files ... Select and hold the File JDroidLib.jar on my SDcard gets the Option "Add library to project" ). So I tried to port FourInARow from I try to remember the steps: I just renamed the package definition in all classes refering to the folders on the sdcard
package de.zepman.myjdroidapp;
and the class with the main method I named "MainActivity". The spites I copied into the folder
Now it works. I can edit, compile and test it on my huawei mediapad. Well it looks a little poor because of the big screensolution, but it works. And its really really funny.
pluess pluess


Yes AIDE really works with JDroidLib. You can also add the library files (e.g. JDroidLib.jar) to the libs subfolder in the project root and the IDE will find them automatically. To simplify the use of JDroidLib I will write a version of the ProjectBuilder for Android that essentially - modifies AndroidManifest.xml - creates resources in subfolder res (layouts and sprite images) - creates the libs subfolder and copies JDroidLib.jar (and other support jars) It's fun to develop Android/GameGrid game apps on a tablet or one of these new smartphones with large screen size. Maybe it's the future when students will bring their own tablet in the class room. Thanks for your contribution! Aegidius PS: ProjectBuilder for Android will be announced on my website
darkmist255 darkmist255


Looks amazing! Please keep us up to date (I'll try to remember to check your website)! PS: I'll be getting an Android phone sometime in the next year, coding for my phone will be awesome!
tylers tylers


isn't blackberry's programming language java?
pluess pluess


Hi, yes, it's Java. You develop Blackberry apps either with the the native API or J2ME. The language is the same, but the APIs differ very much. So porting code from native API to J2ME to Android and vice-versa is difficult. Aegidius
SPower SPower


davmac wrote...
If it didn't support any programming languages, there would be no way to write software for it. It supports at least Objective-C, C, C++ and Objective-C++.
Objective c++ doesn't exist, maybe you mean objective c 2.0?
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